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How It Works

How can I make my experience count for college credit?

With Transfer Experience, you can earn credit by creating petitions to have your work or life experience assessed by Georgian College.

Here's an overview of what you can expect throughout the process.

  1. Build Your Profile

    After registering and verifying your account, your next step is to build your profile - a simple process that takes minutes to complete!

    You'll be prompted to provide your contact details and a summary of your background and experience, to give Georgian a general idea of who you are.

  2. Get to Know Your Dashboard

    Once you've finished building your profile, you'll be introduced to your dashboard. Here, you can create and manage petitions for credit, check your recent activity, view notifications, and edit your profile.

    Your dashboard will let you know exactly what's going on during each step of the petition process!

  3. Create and submit your petition

    By starting a petition for credit, you're steps away from being able to get in touch with a program co-ordinator at Georgian.

    Using a keyword search tool, select up to five Georgian courses that you feel are a good match to your prior learning. If you're unsure of what course(s) to select, you can still submit a request to the program co-ordinator. It's that easy!

  4. Build and Submit Your E-Portfolio

    Your e-portfolio will include your reason for petition, resume, personal essay, and any other supporting documents you think will help Georgian evaluate your petition. Review guidelines and resources for more information about these requirements.

    Once the required items are completed, you'll submit your e-portfolio for assessment. The Prior Learning and Recognition (PLAR) fee will be applied to your Georgian account.

  5. Wait for your e-portfolio to be reviewed

    At this step in the petition process, Georgian will evaluate your e-portfolio. Please ensure you've paid the PLAR fee during this assessment period.

    After review, your petition will either be approved or denied based on the information provided.

  6. A decision will be made and credit may be awarded

    If your petition is approved, you'll be notified when the transcription process has been completed for your credit petition. It is the student's responsibility to withdraw from registered courses that are approved for exemption.

    If your petition is denied, you'll be notified and informed of the reason.
